Ketika Mandi

Terlintas dipikiran gw perihal universe exist by diversity, since day one.

Perihal percaya cov atau engga, perihal mau divaksin atau engga, perihal mau pake masker/jaga prokes atau engga, kaya dan miskin, pinter dan bodoh it's all gonna stay exist along the earth still rotates.

Whatever other people believe, it is what it is. Memang harus begitu adanya. 

Persoalannya adalah, masing2 kita merasa apa yg kita pikirin itu baik untuk orang lain yg mana belum tentu. Bahkan cenderung memaksa agar orang lain percaya apa yg kita percayai. Just.. let them. 

Tahun sebelumnya gw cerewet bgt klo ada org yg ga patuh prokes disekitar gw. Tapi makin kesini gw mikir, i need to survive. Let diversity works, i’m gonna save my energy for what really matter to me. Me, my family, and as an extension of God's hand to take care of anyone who has the same belief as me or not.

Intinya bukan di masalah percaya cov atau engga nya, but it means bigger than that. About tolerance other.

At the end bagian gw adalah, memberitakan kebenaran sesuai yg gw percayai, sisanya let them choose and let God do the rest. 

Orang bodoh ngga akan pernah tau dia bodoh, orang tersesat ngga akan tau kemana harus melangkah, until they relize that they want to know by asking.

And we all know (i guess), orang pinter akan selamanya terlihat bodoh dimata orang bodoh. 

Hope your day full of blessings! Have a great day.



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